Hot Deals GRV Ace V2 Remote Controlled Electric Golf Caddy / Trolley

GRV Ace V2 Remote Controlled Electric Golf Caddy / Trolley most popular product by with excellent quality and reasonable price. You do not miss our exclusive price for GRV Ace V2 Remote Controlled Electric Golf Caddy / Trolley. Spend more? Why? Check the incredible price below, free and fast shipping!

GRV Ace V2 Remote Controlled Electric Golf Caddy / Trolley

GRV Ace V2 Remote Controlled Electric Golf Caddy / Trolley

Feature of GRV Ace V2 Remote Controlled Electric Golf Caddy / Trolley

  • Dual 200w Motors
  • Remote Control Ready - 60 Yard Range
  • 5 Forward Speeds and 5 Reverse Speeds
  • 33ah Lead Acid Battery
  • Easy Fold Design

GRV Ace V2 Remote Controlled Electric Golf Caddy / Trolley Overview :

The GRV "Ace" v2 Remote Controlled Electric Caddy is innovative, lightweight, and ready to run out of the box! Its easy-fold design allows for simple storage and transport, and its price is simply unbeatable! Each caddy comes with a remote control, and has several accessory options!Save your energy for the game! Walk the course with ease as your electric caddy carries your bag and accessories for up to 36 holes before it needs to be recharged! Capable of holding up to 100lbs of weight and has various speeds to keep your pace.Never again will you have to haul your heavy golf bag! And there will never be any need for those annoying, inefficient golf carts again, having to load and unload your bags for each hole. With the press of a button, your remote control caddy will be there to play at your pace.This model comes with 2x 200 watt motors for conquering those hills and slopes, and with the remote control feature, you can command your caddy from 150 feet away! Add accessories, like a cupholder, scorecard holder, and even a seat to further expand your electric caddy's features!cWho said you can't exercise and have fun at the same time? People who walk the course play better, have more fun, and improve their healthy lifestyle without compromising their score!
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GRV Ace V2 Remote Controlled Electric Golf Caddy / Trolley

GRV Ace V2 Remote Controlled Electric Golf Caddy / Trolley Special Price

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